
Solution promotes additional budding if applied as the plants are beginning to bud. It extends the shelf life of fruits. If applied to pasture crops, the algae increase the nutrient uptake, the protein content and overall quality of the crop. Use of it helps in removing stress from plants and maintaining healthy growth of plant. It also boosts crop yields, improves resistance of plants to frost and disease, increases uptake of inorganic constituents from the soil, bolsters resistance to stress conditions and reduces storage losses of fruit. It promotes vigorous growth and helps deter pests and diseases on fruits, flowers, vegetables lawns etc. and roots. so also the larger quality of the various elements are easily absorbed from the soil. It also helps to absorb different micro nutrient from the soil. Increase Plant greenery and Photosynthesis ratio. Helps as anti stress product.

  • Dose : 2 to 3 ml p/l Water
  • Net weight : 1 litter /5 ltr / 20 ltr
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